Current & Upcoming Projects
Port Augusta Renewable Energy Park (PAREP) HV Cable Terminations
Distro-Tex was procured by STE Solutions to complete 108 x 33kv HV Raychem Terminations for the PAREP Energy Park Project. Under time constraints Distro-Tex was able to supply 3 cable jointers for this project in order to complete all 108 Raychem Terminations within 8 days…
Canteen Creek Bulk LED Town SLO Replacement
Distro-Tex was awarded the contract by M.G Electrical to complete a bulk replacement of the entire town's existing streetlights on the PowerWater Distribution Network…
Blyth Cricket Club Lighting Upgrade
The Blyth Cricket Club has engaged Distro-Tex to upgrade the current lighting of their cricket training facility with 4 x 10m light columns mounted with 500W LED Floodlights.
Carrapateena Mine 11kv HV overhead extension and ADSS installation construction – Assisting Cowell Electric
Distro-Tex recently assisted Cowell Electric at the Oz Minerals Carrapateena mine site with an 11KV feeder extension project.
South Australia Air Compressor Services - Industrial Shed Fit-Out
Distro-Tex has recently completed and handed over the fit-out of South Australia Air Compressor Services new industrial workshop and office space.
SIMEC Shutdown maintenance - assisting Aquest Electrical
Distro-Tex recently assisted with Aquest Electrical in completing shutdown maintenance for the Whyalla SIMEC mine.
Hills Rd Stage 1 Rural Overhead 11kv Subdivision
A private developer has engaged Distro-Tex to complete a High Voltage overhead extension of a SAPN Network to supply electricity to their 14 lot rural subdivision.
Port Lincoln - Seaton Ave Stage 1 Light Commercial URD
Distro-Tex has been awarded the contract from Cowell Electric Supply Pty Ltd in conjunction with EP Civil to complete Stage 1 of the 8 Lot Caramatta Holdings Pty Ltd Light Commercial Subdivision commencing Jan 2022.
Moonta Bay - Martin St Stage 1 URD
Distro-Tex has been awarded the contract from a private developer to complete Stage 1 of the Martin Tce 24 Lot Underground Residential Development commencing towards March 2022…